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Camps & Retreats
Each year, students at Mary’s participate in a camp, retreat or series of activities days. These are compulsory events that complement our wellbeing program and are vital to our spiritual and educational formation. The camp schedule is flexible and addresses the needs of individual cohorts. Typically, the program will be as follows:
- Year 7: Camp
- Year 8: Camp
- Year 9: Camp
- Year 10: Formation days
- Year 11: Retreat
- Year 12: Retreat
At Mary’s:
- Camps focus primarily on achieving wellbeing outcomes through outdoor activities, teamwork and physical challenge. While religious life is a part of camp activities, it is explored organically as a part of everyday life, rather than through explicit instruction.
- Retreats focus primarily on achieving wellbeing outcomes, including religious and spiritual growth, through reflective, meditative and interpersonal activities and challenges. Physical activity may form a part of retreat days, but is not the focus. Religious life is explicitly explored in retreats. * Formation days combine the characteristics of camps and retreats but only take place during the daytime – students go home at night after each day.
- Formation days may be consecutive or spread across the year. Students alternate between reflective and physical activities on each day.