A crucial part of the holistically balanced education at Mary’s is providing learners with a knowledge-rich, challenging and well-rounded curriculum that will prepare them for success in the future.
Years 7 & 8 are important transitional years in which students begin their secondary school journey as part of Mary’s community. Our focus in Years 7 & 8 across all learning areas is nurturing the habits, skills and dispositions required for all students to excel as self-regulated learners. Being a self-regulated learner is all about understanding your own thinking, motivations, emotions and behaviours in the context of learning, and monitoring and adjusting these in response to challenges as you progress towards your desired goals. Every learner is at a different point in their journey and our aim is to assist all students develop these valuable lifelong skills so they can experience success in secondary school and beyond.
As students progress through Years 9 and 10, they experience increased choice and voice in a flexibly designed curriculum, developing greater learner agency. This phase allows exploration of elective subjects and personal passions, helping students discover their sense of purpose and future possibilities. All students start their Senior journey early (in Year 10) by completing a selected Certificate II level vocational qualification which they can bank towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
In Years 11 and 12, students pursue their chosen academic or vocational pathway, leveraging their enhanced learner agency and self-regulation skills to study with increasing flexibility and independence. At this stage, students can qualify for an ATAR for tertiary entrance, engage in school-based apprenticeships, enrol in TAFE-at-School programs, or even commence university studies early, preparing them for diverse post-secondary opportunities.